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Briefing for Scottish Parliament’s ECCLR Committee on Just Transition

A briefing from the Just Transition Partnership to the Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee ahead of taking evidence from the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Bill Team…

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Letter to Glasgow Council on Low Emission Zone

Ahead of Glasgow City Council meeting to discuss the city’s Low Emission Zone in which they will set a date for all vehicles to be compliant with the Zone, nine…

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Board member role description, code of conduct and nomination form

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Intervention in judicial review of fracking ban

Our public interest intervention in INEOS and Reach Coal Seam Gas’ judicial review of the Scottish Government’s decision to ban fracking as submitted to the Court of Session. Our intervention…

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Parliamentary briefing – air pollution debate

A briefing ahead of the Scottish Parliament debate on the ECCLR Committee’s air quality report on 17th April, with a special focus on the need to improve plans for Glasgow’s…

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Open letter from climate scientists to Scottish Government on net-zero emissions target

A dozen of the world’s leading climate scientists have published an open letter urging the Scottish Government to set a new target of net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest…

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Proposals for the Just Transition Commission

In creating a Just Transition Commission, as announced in September 2017, the Scottish Government has an opportunity to set out a path for a radical and fair transformation of the…

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Open letter to Scottish Ministers on carbon neutral farming

Fifty organisations, academics and individual farmers including the National Farmers’ Union of Scotland, Scottish Land and Estates, Scottish Crofting Federation and Friends of the Earth Scotland are calling on the…

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Scottish Environment LINK’s Letter of Resignation to the Cleaner Air for Scotland Governance Group

Scottish Environment LINK has resigned from the Cleaner Air for Scotland’s Governance Group, citing their frustration and disappointment around delays in tackling air pollution, and poor input into Glasgow’s draft…

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