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Submission to Economic Impact, Seismic Activity and Decommissioning studies under the Moratorium on unconventional gas

Friends of the Earth Scotland, as part of the Scottish Environment LINK Unconventional Fossil Fuels Subgroup, have welcomed the opportunity to feed into the Scottish Government commissioned research programme under…

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Fracking and the Holyrood 2016 Elections

Unconventional Fossil Fuels: Supporter briefing ahead of the Holyrood 2016 Elections On 5 May voters across Scotland will go to the ballot to elect the politicians who will represent us in Parliament and…

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Banking for the Common Good

We need to move away from highly concentrated, profit-driven banking to an ecosystem of institutions which are structurally designed to work for the common good. All around the world “normal”…

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Underground Coal Gasification Briefing

Unconventional Fossil Fuels: unsafe, unnecessary, unwanted While fracking continues to dominate the headlines, the extractive industries are pushing forward with yet another extreme and unproven fossil fuel extraction process known as…

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Unconventional Fossil Fuels Supporter briefing: Can we ban Fracking?

There’s been a lot of discussion in anti-fracking circles about some of the legal and constitutional issues around the moratoriums on shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification. Common…

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Shale Gas and Coalbed Methane Briefing

Unconventional Fossil Fuels: unsafe, unnecessary, unwanted You’ve probably come across fracking in the news and wondered if the reality is as ugly as the word. Maybe you’ve heard about the new…

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Parliamentary Briefing on Active Travel Proposal for Scottish Budget 16/17

In this joint briefing, Spokes, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Ramblers Scotland, Pedal on Parliament and Transform Scotland urge the Government to adopt a proposal initiated by…

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Response to City of Edinburgh Council’s consultation on the Roseburn to Leith Cycle Route

In this response we support proposals for a new direct, segregated cycle path from Roseburn to Leith due to its potential to encourage modal shift, cut climate emissions, and cut…

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Annual Review 2015

Annual review of our work from January to December 2015

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