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Our response to the Just Transition Commission Call for Evidence

This consultation response sets out what Friends of the Earth Scotland believe are the economic and social opportunities and risks are as Scotland’s attempts to meet climate commitments. The response…

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The Just Transition Challenge in Scotland

The Just Transition Partnership submission to the Just Transition Commission ahead of their Interim Report.  The purpose of the Commission is to advise Scottish Ministers on how to apply Just…

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Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage Three Briefing

Friends of the Earth Scotland has been a long term advocate of banking for the common good, and we welcomed the Scottish Government’s proposals for the Scottish National Investment Bank….

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Scottish National Investment Bank Stage 2 Briefing

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the principle of a Scottish National Investment Bank, but have repeatedly encouraged MSPs to strengthen the Bill at stage two to enable the bank…

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Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage One Briefing

Friends of the Earth Scotland (FoES) welcomes the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill, and encourages MSPs to support the Bill – on the condition of changes being made to ensure…

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Sea Change: Climate Emergency, Jobs and Managing the Phase-Out of UK Oil and Gas Extraction

Report reveals the climate impact of North Sea oil and gas extraction, and urges UK and Scottish Governments to prioritise a job-creating energy transition.

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Green New Deal: Parliamentary Briefing (April 2019)

‘Green New Deal’ Briefing for The Scottish Parliament debate

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Just Transition Parliamentary Briefing (Jan 2019)

JTP Briefing for MSPs ahead of Just Transition Debate Jan 2019

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Response to the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Consultation (Oct 2018)

Our response to the Scottish Government consultation on a Bill to create the Scottish National Investment Bank.

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