
Our response to the Oil and Gas Authority consultation on proposals to revise the MER UK Strategy

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Plane taking off

Scottish Government support for Heathrow expansion cannot continue in Climate Emergency

The Scottish Government has reaffirmed its commitment to a third runway being built at Heathrow, despite the climate impacts.

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BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Briefing

A briefing on the dangers posed by the unproven and dangerous technology of BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Storage.

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Carbon Capture and Storage Briefing

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Summer Statement: Chancellor Fails to Seize Moment for Change

Public dont want a return to the pre-pandemic economy – we need a recovery plan which sets out a path to a greener, fairer society.

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Report fails to chart path to a greener, fairer Scotland for all

Today’s report offers little in the way of new thinking or concrete measures that will challenge the inequalities, poverty and climate pollution in Scotland.

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Key workers demand just and green recovery

Protestors gathered outside St Andrew’s House to call for a coronavirus recovery which is fair and green. 

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Oil and Gas industry plans ‘disingenuous’ say climate campaigners

The industry is only talking about production emissions ignoring the far greater impact of burning this oil and gas.

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Civil Society Organisations demand radical coronavirus recovery plan that delivers fairer & greener Scotland

80 organisations write to First Minister outlining five steps to ensure recovery puts people and planet before profit.

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