Poster for Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Sequel

It’s time for Scotland’s climate change sequel

A decade after Al Gore first brought climate change to the big screen, he’s back in cinemas now with the follow up, ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power’. This next chapter comes at a time when Scotland is writing the sequel to our own climate story, but will our new Climate Act be a blockbuster or a flop?

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Young FoEE outside Dutch gas site

Young FoE Europe visit Dutch gasfields

90 young activists from all corners of Europe to participate in the Young Friends of the Earth Europe Summer Camp in Drouwen, Netherlands. They visited people in Groningen suffering from earthquakes caused by gas extraction nearby.

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Let’s not give Trump what he wants on climate

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Come on Scotland, time to step on it with transport!

The UK Government’s plan to phase out fossil fuel vehicles in 23 years time is not good enough for the many people whose lives are impacted on a daily basis by toxic air now.

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Looking back at our Summer Weekender

Our first-ever Summer Weekender was a big success, bringing together over 100 people in the beautiful settings of Wiston Lodge for three days of ideas and action.

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The Summer Weekender is nearly here!

Our biggest ever residential activism gathering will take place in Biggar, South Lanarkshire from this Friday 14th to Sunday 16th July! Take a look at what to expect.

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Plane taking off

Who will really benefit from the new Air Departure Tax?

MSPs will today approve the Air Departure Tax (Scotland) Bill, giving the Scottish ministers the power to set air travel tax for the first time. But who will be the winners and losers be from these changes?

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The fracking consultation has ended. What happens next?

Scotland has rejected fracking in huge numbers.

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Low Emission Zones could help ensure our right to clean air

There are 38 designated Pollution Zones across Scotland where levels of toxic air are deemed unsafe. We need Low Emission Zones now.

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