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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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Scotland’s new circular economy law

MSPs have voted to approve Scotland’s new circular economy law! Parliament has taken over a year to scrutinise and review the new law, and the final debate took place yesterday…

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Dozens of organisations demand Scottish Ministers reject polluting Peterhead gas plans

Pressure is growing on the Scottish Government to reject plans that would lock in climate pollution and high energy bills. 

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Reinventing Scotland’s economy: bright spots in a overcast sky

Some events on a weekend in March and a couple of recent reports have spread a bit of light in the otherwise dull landscape of debate about the economy in…

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Campaign stories: International Festival drops BP

The Edinburgh International Festival (EIF) is no longer taking sponsorship from BP: a great victory which draws to a close an inspiring 10 month campaign.

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5 ideas to help Scotland leave the car behind

Our air pollution problem is mainly caused by traffic and our unhealthy relationship with the car, a relationship which the Scottish Government has fostered by spending millions every year on…

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Closure of Longannet: End of coal, the beginning of the end for fossil fuels in Scotland

Find out more about our work to make Scotland fossil free within a generation at www.fossilfree.scot

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Closure of Longannet signals the end of fossil fuels

When the steam turbines at Longannet power station cease to turn some time tomorrow there will be no coal being burnt for electricity production anywhere in Scotland for the first time in…

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How the Scottish Parliament can remake banking for the common good

Following the release of a new report, Friends of the Earth Scotland finance campaigner Ric Lander explores how Scotland’s banking system could be transformed.

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International Women’s Day Statement

On International Women’s Day, 8th March 2016, we raise our voices in indignation at the brutal murder of our sister Berta Cáceres – indigenous Lenca leader, community organiser, grassroots feminist…

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Care about Clean Air, Walking and Cycling? Then save these dates…

Spring is about to Spring, and there are plenty of exciting walking and cycling events around the corner. Here are three for your diary…. (1) Saturday 5th March, all day…

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A fossil free future for the Strathclyde Pension Fund?

Fossil Free Strathclyde campaign just kicked off with a public meeting at Old Hairdressers, Glasgow, where those involved in the set up of the movement presented an introduction to the…

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