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Revealed: the true climate cost of new gas at Peterhead power station

Annual pollution could be 1 million tonnes more than companies have disclosed to the Scottish Government

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Protest group in front of bute house

Why is Scotland scrapping its climate targets? 

Why Scotland is scrapping its vital climate targets, why this matters and what needs to happen now.

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Activists hand in petition urging the Scottish Government to reject Peterhead gas plans

Campaigners have handed in a petition to the Scottish Government urging them to reject the plans for a new gas burning power station in Peterhead.

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Growing a Greener Economy: Scottish Left Review

Articles on the theme of Growing a Greener Economy in Scottish Left Review 89, published in September 2015, are now available through the links below. They come from leading trade unionists, environmentalists and socialists…

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A thriving, sustainable society needs democratic and accountable banks

Gemma Bone and Ric Lander If we want social change we need to think about finance. To create a society that lives within natural limits we need to fit together…

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Green Economy: treasure trove of articles in the Scottish Left Review

By Matthew Crighton Articles on the theme of Growing a Greener Economy in Scottish Left Review 89, published in September 2015, are now available through the links below. They come from leading trade unionists,…

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Aarhus implementation convention speakers discuss environmental rights

The Aarhus Convention

The Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters is an inspirational UN treaty that establishes critical environmental rights. Kofi Annan,…

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Out, damned logo! Theatrical protest comes to Edinburgh Fest

By Jess Worth, BP or Not BP I never thought I was the kind of person who invaded stages. Raised by a Shakespeare buff, bookish in the extreme, my younger…

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Where your money goes: a worldwide tour of Rio Tinto’s wreckage

By Emilie Tricarico. Rio Tinto employ over 60,000 people in more than 40 countries and is a major supplier in metals and minerals from around the world including aluminium, copper,…

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The Budget and the Environment

On the face of it George Osborne’s Budget doesn’t say much about the environment. But if you dig into the details there is plenty to show that David Cameron’s claim…

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Frack Free Lancashire – but what does this mean for Scotland?

Last week’s decision by Lancashire County Council to reject fracking will give a big shove to  Scotland’s current moratorium in the direction of becoming a full ban Cuadrilla’s applications to…

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The People’s Test on Climate

Friends of the Earth groups all around the world are at the forefront of the fight against climate change. In Scotland they are encouraging Local Pension Funds to divest from…

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