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Protest group in front of bute house

Why is Scotland scrapping its climate targets? 

Why Scotland is scrapping its vital climate targets, why this matters and what needs to happen now.

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Activists hand in petition urging the Scottish Government to reject Peterhead gas plans

Campaigners have handed in a petition to the Scottish Government urging them to reject the plans for a new gas burning power station in Peterhead.

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How people power ended the coal era

It’s September 2024 and in the countryside just outside of Nottingham, England, something momentous is taking place: the UK’s last coal power station is closing and with it ends Britain’s…

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UNISON joining the call for Fossil Free Pensions

A new campaign is emerging to get the Lothian Pension Fund, one of Scotland’s largest public funds, to divest from dirty and risky fossil-fuels and invest sustainabably.  Last week the…

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Should we break-up RBS?

Ray Perman authored Friends of the Earth Scotand’s 2014 paper “Smaller Greener Banking: Banking for sustainability in a New Scotland”.  He is Chairman of the James Hutton Institute and former…

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Global Divestment Day in Scotland

On 13-14 February 2015 groups around the world will be calling for our money to be taken out of fossil fuels and dirty energy.  This will be the first ever…

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Broad Alliance letter to MPs on Infrastructure Bill

An alliance of nearly 30 community groups sent every Scottish MP a letter urging them to vote for a moratorium on unconventional gas via an amendment to the Infrastructure Bill on…

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Crunch time for the SNP on fracking

The Scottish Government has been markedly less enthusiastic about the development of unconventional gas and fracking than its UK counterpart. However, circumstances are conspiring to ensure that in the next…

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Lima: seeds of resistance

You probably noticed a range of different perspectives on the outcome of the Lima climate talks in the media in the last week or so. From Lima as a failure…

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Climate crisis (still) in overtime

Tension increased on Friday as talks were suspended in early evening pending a new draft text. The tired negotiators eventually got the new text at 2:30am only to be asked…

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Climate crisis in overtime

‘We are here to implement the Convention, not to re-write it’. The words of India’s Environment Minister neatly sum up the position of global South countries as the UN climate…

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Climate Justice Now! In Defense of Mother Earth

While negotiations continue inside the conference centre today, outside many thousands of people are taking to the street of Lima, on human rights day, in the World March in Defense…

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