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Climate-themed shows to see at Edinburgh Fringe 2024

Here are the climate-themed shows we’ll be booking tickets for at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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In the pocket of developers: how the Scottish Government breached its own rules 28 times in handling of new gas power plant application

Ministers have spoken publicly in favour of the planning application, and met developers over 60 time whilst refusing to meet objectors.

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Energy giant SSE feeling the heat from its Peterhead power station plans

SSE’s marketing as a green and progressive company has been exposed as greenwash.

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Inquiry day 5 – frogs and toxic rain

Today was the first day at Falkirk Stadium, rather more cramped than last week’s venue, but with much more reasonable prices for tea … Today’s special session took video evidence…

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Inquiry day 4 – big beasts

We started the day with Dart’s witness on leaking methane saying that you can never get two geologists to agree. One of the undercurrents over many months has been the…

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Inquiry day 3 – Geology and Punk Rock

After 15 hours over two and half days of Dart’s witnesses we finally got to hear from a witness from the objectors, Emeritus Prof David Smythe from Glasgow University. He…

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Inquiry day 2 – slow and careful …

Today was a slow day of carefully and thoroughly picking over lots of details about geology and hydrology from Dart’s witnesses, who had a pretty painful time.  So slow that…

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Dart Energy public inquiry opens

Protestors with placards welcomed the parties and witnesses to the Public Local Inquiry into Dart Energy’s proposals for Coal Bed Methane this morning at the Inchyra Hotel (lovely view of…

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Taking Over Berlin’s Energy Supply

Guest Blog: Dr Stefan Taschner (campaigner from Berliner Energietisch) The story of the following referendum already began two and a half years ago in 2011 with the formation of the…

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Our 35th birthday!

Birthday celebrations are happening today, as Scotland’s leading environmental campaign group mark their 35th anniversary. Ensuring justice for people and the environment has been the main objective of Friends of…

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From the front-line of anti-shale gas struggles – Guest blog

Antoine Simon and David Heller from Friends of the Earth Europe, travelled to the village of Pungeşti in Romania this weekend to observe and document the village’s resistance to shale…

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Reflection on the Life of Nelson Mandela: Guest Blog

By Bobby Peek, Director of groundWork (as hosted on Friends of the Earth South Africa blog) The environmental justice movement, and indeed my own environmental justice activism is grounded by…

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