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Climate-themed shows to see at Edinburgh Fringe 2024

Here are the climate-themed shows we’ll be booking tickets for at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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In the pocket of developers: how the Scottish Government breached its own rules 28 times in handling of new gas power plant application

Ministers have spoken publicly in favour of the planning application, and met developers over 60 time whilst refusing to meet objectors.

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Energy giant SSE feeling the heat from its Peterhead power station plans

SSE’s marketing as a green and progressive company has been exposed as greenwash.

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A wasted decade

Last year Glasgow and Dundee councils had to declare the whole of each city as pollution zones. Last month Edinburgh added new zones and extended the existing ones. In almost…

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Must try harder on climate

The warmth of the last few days remind me that May can be one of the nicest months in Edinburgh, and it makes a nice change from the cooler-than-average March…

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What has nature ever done for us? Part 3 of 3

Tony Juniper is the former Executive Director of Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has just published What has nature ever done for us? This is the…

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What has nature ever done for us? Part 2 of 3.

Tony Juniper is the former Executive Director of Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has just published What has nature ever done for us? This is the…

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Reaction to RBS Sustainability Report: ‘Deliberate Manipulation of the Truth’

Today the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are pleased to release their annual sustainability report.  However, when we scratch the surface, it does not truly reflect sustainability, and it does…

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What has nature ever done for us? Part 1 of 3

Tony Juniper is the former Executive Director of Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has just published What has nature ever done for us? Q. Can…

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Difficult Times for Cairn Energy

Times are pretty turbulent for the Scottish oil and gas exploration company Cairn Energy. In the last week we have seen: strong rumours that they will be bought over by…

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RBS: Stop defrauding us, manipulating us, lying to us and trashing our climate

Originally posted as a guest blog on WDM on Thursday 28/3/12 The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) reported a £5.2 billion loss as it announced its annual results today The…

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What’s Next for RBS?

RBS has announced that despite this being another terrible year for them, they are still going to pay out out huge bonuses to their ‘top’ fat cat bankers – amazing…

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