Carbon capture won’t limit the damage of incineration – it’ll make it worse
The impact of incinerators won’t be reduced by carbon capture and storage. We need to stop burning waste.
The impact of incinerators won’t be reduced by carbon capture and storage. We need to stop burning waste.
Our recent hydrogen report exposes this high cost, low efficiency technology that threatens renewable energy supplies
Climate advisors take tough new line with the Scottish Government on their plans.
At scale BECCS would involve creating huge mono-culture Sitka spruce plantations, and building new biomass power stations.
Scotland is debating the role of hydrogen technology in our future.
Despite huge government and industry backing CCS cannot be expected in the energy sector until the 2030s, risking 1.5oC during the crucial next decade.
Good climate commitments are being undermined by UK and Scottish Government faith in far-off technical fixes.
The new Climate Plan risks relying on a dodgy technology called BECCS – Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture & Storage
To effectively tackle the roots of the climate crisis while achieving social justice and restoring nature, we need to fight for the right – not just any – climate solutions.