Do you offer concessionary membership rates?
Our membership starts from £3 per month, with most people giving upwards of that. If this feels too much for you, consider making a one-off donation.
I need some information for my homework/thesis/dissertation – can you help?
Take a look at our Research & Briefings section for information on specific topics. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to help directly with dissertations and student research.
Do you accept volunteers?
Please see our Volunteering page.
Does campaigning really work?
Yes! Take a look at our campaign successes here.
How can I get more involved in some/all of your campaigns?
Please see our Get Involved page.
I’d like to collect donations for Friends of the Earth Scotland. Can I have a collection tin for my shop/business/etc?
Of course, just get in touch and we’ll send you one.
How can I leave money to Friends of the Earth Scotland in my will?
Find out how to leave a legacy here.
Can I support you from overseas by direct debit?
Unfortunately not but you can donate by credit card wherever you are located. If you live abroad and would like to become a member via an annual donation, please contact us.
Can I send you a cheque?
Yes. Please make it payable to Friends of the Earth Scotland.
Can I support Friends of the Earth Scotland via a sponsored event or special occasion?
Yes, find out how here.
How do I notify you about a change in my contact details?
Email us, call us, or write us a letter! See our contact info here.
How do you spend the money you raise?
We are very transparent about how we spend the money we raise. Take a look at our Donor Promise and see the detailed breakdown in our annual reviews and accounts.
Do you receive any corporate donations?
Only in very limited circumstances, mainly raffle prizes and event sponsorship or specific support for a small project. We do not accept funding from companies that do not align with our environmental and ethical values.
Do you receive any government funding?
None of our funding comes from the Scottish or UK Government. In 2017, we received £3,745 from the Scottish Government to produce a report on community-owned renewable energy. We have not received any other government funding since then as our publicly accessible accounts clearly demonstrate.
Where does your money come from?
Currently, approximately half our funding comes from our supporters, the other half from charitable trusts. You can find out more by reading our annual accounts and reviews.
There are so many other charities doing similar work. Why don’t you work together?
We do. We work with other charities through the Scottish Environnment Link and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland networks. We also work closely with other Friends of the Earth members in the Friends of the Earth International network, making us much more effective on the wider global issues such as climate change.
Is Friends of the Earth Scotland a political organisation?
No. We are a Scottish Registered Charity (No. SC003442) and as such are non-party-political.
Is there a Friends of the Earth UK?
No. There are two separate Friends of the Earth organisations in the UK: Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland – and Friends of the Earth Scotland. Both organisations are part of Friends of the Earth International and Friends of the Earth Europe and we collaborate on many campaigns, but we are independent of each other with our own strategies, management and finances.
To ensure both groups are as effective as possible, we strongly encourage supporters of Friends of the Earth EWNI who live in Scotland to support Friends of the Earth Scotland’s work, and vice versa.