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Climate targets scrapped: Worst decision in the history of the Scottish Parliament

Climate campaigners are furious that the Scottish Government’s has decided to scrap its 2030 targets to cut climate pollution labelling it “the worst environmental decision in the history of the…

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No UK Government style climate slowdown from SNP/Greens, warn campaigners

This is a moment of climate truth to see if the Scottish Government is truly committed to taking the action needed this decade.

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Climate Emergency road sign outside Holyrood

‘Chickens have come home to roost’ on Scottish Government climate failures

Ministers have failed to stand up to oil lobbyists and those who would delay climate progress.

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dried up lake

World breaches 1.5°C temperature limit for first time

Politicians’ unwillingness to choose the safety of people over the profits of fossil fuel companies has brought us beyond this critical temperature milestone.  

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Polluted politics: Fossil fuel lobbyists met MSPs almost 800 times

The revelations come as concern grows about the corrupting influence of oil companies on Scotland’s efforts to tackle climate breakdown.

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Study exposes ‘gaping chasm’ in Scottish climate plans due to carbon capture over-reliance

Reality must finally be dawning on Ministers after new research downgraded the estimation of how much carbon could be captured by these controversial technologies

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‘Underwhelming’ Programme for Government – warm words won’t stop a warming planet

This is an underwhelming programme for more of the same when what is needed a radical change that can speed Scotland away from fossil fuels.

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3 people holding signs as part of a 'no carbon markets' protest inside COP26 in Glasgow 2022.

IPCC climate report shows urgent need to end fossil fuels

Environmental campaigners have said that the latest UN climate report makes clear that governments must say no to new fossil fuels and tackle an economic system that is speeding us…

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‘Scathing judgement’ on Scottish climate plans from advisors

Environmental campaigners have said the the UK Committee on Climate Change has delivered a ‘scathing judgement’ of the Scottish Government’s climate efforts in their latest progress report published today (7/12/22)…

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