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UN emission gap report cover 2022

UN Climate Report: Urgent action needed this decade

Policies currently in place point to a 2.8°C temperature rise by the end of the century

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Scottish Government ‘shuts door on coal’

Environmental campaigners have welcomed the news that the Scottish Government’s position will be to oppose any future coal extraction. Minister’s new ‘preferred policy position’ on coal will form part of…

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Climate campaigners urge MSPs for a strong Climate Change Bill

Fossil fuels driving extreme heat and climate breakdown

Climate breakdown is here, it is deadly serious and it will get much worse unless we act urgently to end our reliance on oil and gas.

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Council elections key moment in tackling the climate crisis

Environmental campaigners say the upcoming council elections are going to be significant in tackling the climate crisis, and are calling on all parties to make policies on transport and waste…

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IPCC climate report shows ‘economic system is incompatible with life on earth’

Environmental campaigners have said that the latest UN climate report makes clear that Governments must say no to new fossil fuels and tackle an economic system that is speeding us…

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IPCC report is stark reminder of reality of the climate emergency

The report confirms that the impacts of climate breakdown are more widespread, happening much sooner and having more devastating consequences than previously predicted.

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Offshore wind auction reaction

Welcome for offshore wind expansion but successful bidders must not be allowed to evade their responsibilities to communities and workers.

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two people painting 'no more fossil fuels' message on an oil drum

Another “nail in the coffin” for Cambo

Reaction to the announcement by Siccar Point Energy that they have “paused” the Cambo development, following Shell’s withdrawal last week. Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Head of Campaigns Mary Church…

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Climate campaigners urge MSPs for a strong Climate Change Bill

Scottish Budget Reaction: ‘useful steps’ on climate emergency

Climate action boosted by transport funding but home insulation investment should be larger.

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