
Programme for Government needs to build on ‘greenest ever’

Scottish Govt challenged to strengthen commitments on climate and nature protection.

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Protestors behind cardboard car calling for action on air pollution. Taken as part of Pedal on Parliament in 2016

Edinburgh transport plans could bring clean air for all

These proposals could put Edinburgh amongst the greatest cities in Europe.

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Photo by Inhabitat

Pop Up Parks show potential to reclaim the streets

20 Edinburgh car parking spaces will be taken over to create a vibrant, fun ‘Pop Up Park’ ahead of National Clean Air Day.

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Glasgow City Council approves plans for ‘No Ambition Zone’

Today’s decision means the toxic, illegal pollution levels with continue poisoning lungs in Glasgow for at least 4 more years

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Glasgow ‘No Ambition Zone’ plans must be rescued, warn campaigners

Campaigners have criticised the Council plans for failing to deliver clean air as soon as possible.

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Letter to Glasgow Council on Low Emission Zone

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Welcome for Edinburgh City Street Closures for National Clean Air Day

Edinburgh City Council will be closing off the Mound and part of George Street to mark National Clean Air Day

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Dangerous Air Pollution Episode Expected to Hit Scotland

Toxic ground-level ozone is expected to break World Health Organisation and Scottish regulatory safety standards.

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Person with air pollution mask in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Council to take next steps on Low Emission Zone for the city

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