
Scottish organisations to join Global Climate Strike

Scottish businesses, charities and other organisations announce they will be participating in the Global #ClimateStrikes

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Protests inside the UN climate change talks COP24 in Katowice

UN climate negotiations confirmed for Glasgow in 2020

Turkey’s withdrawal means Glasgow is set to host the UN climate negotiations in 2020, heaping pressure on Scottish Government to improve their climate plans.

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Criticism of oil and gas industry ‘blueprint for net zero’

Campaigners call out cynical greenwashing attempts of mega-polluting industry.

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Climate Emergency Programme for Government fails to make the grade

This Programme for Government contains welcome commitments but does not go nearly far enough to truly tackle the climate crisis.

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Campaigners call for radical climate programme from Scottish Government

Scottish Government urged to put its money where its mouth is and tackle the climate emergency with radical programme.

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Programme for Government: A Climate Emergency Response Plan

The Scottish Government must back up their commitment to tackling the Climate Emergency by implementing a radical Programme for Government to cut emissions within the next decade.

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UN Climate Conference brings scrutiny to Scotland

Glasgow is announced as the location for UN climate conference in 2020.

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Reaction to UN Report on land and climate change

UN report shows we must manage land more sustainably, cut meat production and avoid large scale bioenergy.

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Prime Minister Johnson must make Climate Emergency his priority

Johnson’s Prime Ministership will ultimately be judged by how well his Government responds to climate breakdown – the greatest crisis we face.

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