
1,000 organisations end investment in fossil fuel companies

Campaign groups have now pressured US$ 7Trillion worth of funds to end their relationship with fossil fuel firms driving climate change.

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Majority of Scottish MPs call on Parliamentary Pension Fund to drop fossil fuels

A cross-party group of 200 MPs want their Westminster Pension Fund to stop investing in fossil fuel companies.

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Risky Business

The Lothian and Strathclyde Pension Funds, run by Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils, were found to be failing to take adequate action to protect their £27.1 billion investments from climate risks.

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Climate change threatens major Scottish Pension Funds, says new report

Lothian and Strathclyde Pension Funds, run by Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils, were found to be failing to take adequate action to protect their investments from climate risks.

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Councillors join campaign to end Glasgow’s investment in fracking and fossil fuels

Glasgow Councillors and residents urged the Strathclyde Pension Fund to end their £800 investments in fossil fuel companies.

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Response to the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Consultation (Oct 2018)

Our response to the Scottish Government consultation on a Bill to create the Scottish National Investment Bank.

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Divest Fracking – How UK councils are banking on dirty gas.

This report reveals the extent of UK council investments in the fracking industry

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Revealed: Scottish Council Pensions are backing fracking overseas

Councillors oversee investments worth £972million in an industry prohibited in Scotland.

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Fiduciary duty briefing from Divest Lothian (August 2018)

A briefing by Divest Lothian in relation to the continued fossil fuel investments of the Lothian Pension Fund.

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