
UK oil industry pollution per barrel increases

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UK Government borrowing more to bolster oil company profits

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Official portrait of Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg

Scottish Government must ‘stand up to Rees-Mogg’ on reckless fossil fuel expansion

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Rising Energy Prices and the Cost of Living Crisis

There is an urgent need for intervention to provide immediate support to people hit by the
cost of living rises as well as to drive a rapid overhaul of our energy system away from fossil fuels towards publicly-owned, affordable renewable energy to prevent both social and climate crises in the future.

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Onshore conventional oil & gas call for evidence – FoES response

A position of no support for onshore conventional oil and gas extraction must therefore be adopted, and enforced through the licensing regime and the new National Planning Framework 4.

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BP profits show ‘fundamentally broken’ energy system

The oil giant announced £6.9 billion profits in just 3 months. 

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Shell profits show energy system ‘unfit for purpose’

Outrage at the announcement of oil giant Shell’s profits of £9.5billion in just 3 months. 

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Jackdaw court case welcomed by climate campaigners

Welcome for new that Greenpeace are mounting a legal challenge to the UK Government’s approval of the Jackdaw gas field.

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Climate campaigners urge MSPs for a strong Climate Change Bill

Fossil fuels driving extreme heat and climate breakdown

Climate breakdown is here, it is deadly serious and it will get much worse unless we act urgently to end our reliance on oil and gas.

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