
Scottish public back measures to tackle ‘throwaway culture’

Over 80% of respondents supported a ‘Latte Levy’ on single-use cups

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No bailout for plastic producer Ineos, says international groups

Prominent activists, scientists, and groups urge UK & Scottish Government to protect the climate and environment – while prioritising long term stability for workers through green jobs

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Deposit Return Scheme Delay Risks Rise In Plastic Pollution

The scheme won’t now start until 2022, meaning slower climate action and risk of increasing plastic pollution

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Scottish Parliament

Coronavirus delay to Scottish Government Climate Change Plan ‘understandable’

Coronavirus shows how important it is that climate action tackles existing inequalities and protects the most vulnerable

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Consumer Scotland Bill Stage Two

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Circular Economy Briefing

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Response to Developing Scotland’s circular economy: consultation on proposals for legislation

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to a Scottish Government’s consultation on Developing Scotland’s circular economy

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Scottish Government launches Circular Economy Consultation

Welcome for Circular Economy Bill consultation but failure to set targets to cut resource overuse.

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Welcome for charge on single-use cups

Campaigners say it is an important step to cutting the enormous amount of waste generated by our throwaway society.

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