Glasgow's Hope Street with cars, taxis and buses.

Revealed: Scotland’s most polluted streets

Research reveals most polluted streets and confirms air pollution remains a public health crisis plaguing Scotland.

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Young climate activists holding a banner that reads Climate Justice = Social Justice

Will 2018 truly be the ‘Year of Young People’?

While young people across Scotland are fighting for their future, our efforts are being undermined by decision makers.

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9 reasons why Scotland’s bus sector needs a shake-up

With a bus sector in crisis, we are urging the Government to give local transport authorities greater powers over the sector.

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Is change in the air for Scotland’s transport?

A look at promises and progress across transport in the last six months.

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Person with air pollution mask in Edinburgh

Low Emission Zones could help clear the air in Edinburgh

Low Emission Zones are a key tool in the fight to make Edinburgh’s streets safer for us all.

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It will take people power to protect our planet

As our governments reconvene for their yearly climate talks, society is being changed by people taking grassroots action all around the world.

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COP23: Playing my part in building a better world

Rowan explains how climate change has impacted upon her life and why she is travelling to COP23 in Bonn.

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New Low Emission Zones could clear the air

The Scottish Government has increased its previous pledge of one LEZ to zones in our four biggest cities by 2020. These zones are major piece in the puzzle of tackling Scotland’s toxic air pollution.

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Skilling up to fight fracking

Isla Scott on how participating in our Fossil Free campaign organiser programme has helped the fight against fracking in Glasgow

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