
How to contact your MSPs about the school climate strike

How to find your MSPs and tell them why you are joining the climate strike.

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Environmental highlights 2018

Highlights from our campaign work protecting Scotland’s environment in 2018.

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Scotland’s Just Transition and the ‘Gilets Jaunes’

In the light of ‘Gilet Jaunes’ protests, it is clear that radical change, organising, democratic ownership, and government intervention are essential parts of the transition to a low carbon economy.

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A founder member reflects on 40 years ago

Mairi MacArthur looks back on our early days. 

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Putting people first: Progress on walking and cycling in Glasgow and Edinburgh

Ideas include more segregated cycle lanes, Low Emission Zones and pedestrianisation of key areas.

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Climate activists took messages from the future to the SNP conference

Today’s climate report is an unprecedented warning. Scotland must do more and faster.

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Edinburgh transport plans could deliver clean air but they need our support

Edinburgh Council wants your views on ambitious new plans to tackle pollution and congestion.

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Discussing a Just Transition for workers in Aberdeen

UCU hosted a seminar to discuss the potential for a transformation that protects workers.

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Environmental films at Take One Action Festival

The environmental highlights from the Glasgow & Edinburgh screenings.

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