
Hydrogen comes in many colours but are any the right climate choice ?

Scotland is debating the role of hydrogen technology in our future.

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Reliance on Fossil Fuel CCS cannot solve climate crisis, new research shows

Despite huge government and industry backing CCS cannot be expected in the energy sector until the 2030s, risking 1.5oC during the crucial next decade.

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Lessons from the Braer disaster

Braer Oil Spill Anniversary reminds us of the danger of the fossil fuel industry

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2020, whisky and climate change

How strong whisky helped Scotland’s efforts to persuade the world to act on climate change

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No going back – the fight for a just, green recovery

By working together, connecting our issues and learning from each other we are building a movement for a better future.

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Fossil fuel production means we’re breaking climate records

Failure to plan a speedy transition away from fossil fuel use pushes up climate emissions and global temperature rises.

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Ingredients for the perfect climate plan

Scotland will lay out lay our climate targets and plans to get there, as part of the UN climate talks COP26.

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Oil pollution in Goi, Nigeria

Oil giant Shell in Dutch court over climate

Judges will hear how Shell’s expansion of oil and gas is at odds with need to cut climate emissions.

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Electric cars recharging in Glasgow's Merchant City

Electric vehicles advance as part of the transport answer

End date of fossil fuelled cars is good news but our transport system much change in larger ways.

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