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Young cyclists take to their bikes to demand safer streets

Almost 500 young cyclists in Edinburgh and Inverness took to the streets this weekend to demand action is taken to make the streets safer for cycling.  The events, run by…

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Review calls for ban on new incinerators in Scotland

Environmental campaigners have welcomed an independent report which calls for an immediate ban on planning permission for new incinerators, but say a clear exit strategy from incineration is still needed….

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Council elections key moment in tackling the climate crisis

Environmental campaigners say the upcoming council elections are going to be significant in tackling the climate crisis, and are calling on all parties to make policies on transport and waste…

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Cambo: Billion pound ‘gamble’ risks our collective safety

New owners doesnt change the fact that Cambo oil field is bad for climate and household energy bills.

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UK Energy Strategy: new oil & gas is ‘unbelievably reckless’

The new UK Energy Strategy is criticised for expanding the production of climate-wrecking oil and gas.

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IPCC climate report shows ‘economic system is incompatible with life on earth’

Environmental campaigners have said that the latest UN climate report makes clear that Governments must say no to new fossil fuels and tackle an economic system that is speeding us…

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Offshore training standards recognition a ‘sign of progress’ but delivery and workers role is key

Training operators pledge to ‘identify duplication’ in standards as groups push to ease worker transition from oil & gas to renewables

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Campaigners call for more ambition as Government announces ‘latte levy’ plans

Campaigners are calling for more ambition as the Scottish Government announces the formation of an advisory group on charges on disposable coffee cups. Work on disposable cup charges was paused…

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a group of people holding flags around a stack of black barrels painted with white letter spelling out stop cambo. the river clyde and the Glasgow science museum are visible in the background

Cambo oil field: Licence extension keeps doomed project on ‘life support’

Criticism of UK Government decision to grant a 2 year extension to the licence to develop the controversial Cambo oil field.

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