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UKCCC advice on new Scottish Climate Bill seriously lacking urgency and ambition

Commenting on the UK Climate Change Committee's (UKCCC) advice to the Scottish Government on its plans for a new Climate Bill, Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary…

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FoE Scotland welcomes ‘Scotland’s Place in Europe’ proposals

Commenting on the Scottish Government’s paper “Scotland’s Place in Europe,” Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “We welcome these proposals from the Scottish Government, which…

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Trade Unions and campaigners say upcoming Climate Plan must step up action to reduce emissions and protect workers

At a conference today (Tuesday 13 December) the Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) and Friends of the Earth Scotland will announce plans to work closely together on industrial policies which…

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UK ratifies Paris climate change Agreement

Reacting to news that the UK has joined the group of over 100 nations committed to keep climate change to safe levels following unanimous agreement from MPs, Dr Richard Dixon,…

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Another year, another devastating record as 2016 set to be hottest yet

As world leaders resist essential short term action to cut emissions at the UN climate talks in Marrakech, the Met Office confirms that 2016 is likely to be the warmest…

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Scottish Government to publish fracking research

The Scottish Government is expected to publish its evidence on shale gas fracking and coalbed methane in Parliament today. This will include a Public Health Impact Assessment and 5 reports…

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Scottish climate and environment progress threatened by Brexit

The Scottish Parliament will today (Thursday) debate the potential impact of Brexit on the environment and climate change. Friends of the Earth Scotland highlighted a number of risks in advance…

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Heathrow expansion should be scrapped not delayed

Reacting to reports that a decision on airport expansion will not be taken until Winter 2017/18, Friends of the Earth Scotland Director Dr Richard Dixon commented “In a year’s time…

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Climate Change Flooding Protection Funding Reaction

Reacting to the Scottish Government funding announcement of flood protection for 10,000 homes, Friends of the Earth Scotland Director Dr Richard Dixon commented, “Today’s announcement will be welcome relief to…

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