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‘Legacy of failure’ of carbon capture highlighted by climate campaigners

The industry is only succeeding in capturing public money, because it is certainly not capturing carbon. We must stop subsidising these hugely profitable polluters.

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Energy Strategy ‘shies away from the big decisions’

Environmental campaigners have reacted to the Scottish Government’s new Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan. Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “Our current fossil fuelled…

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Hydrogen Action Plan criticised for inefficient and costly technology

Climate campaigners response to the Scottish Government’s new ‘Hydrogen Action Plan’ with concerns about cost, inefficiency and its suitability for key sectors.

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Scotland’s new planning framework undermined by reliance on climate techno-fixes

NPF4 is step in the right direction in tackling the climate emergency it is seriously undermined by an over reliance on carbon capture and hydrogen

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Peterhead power station

Damning Carbon Capture report exposes ‘significant risk’ of Peterhead power station plans

New research further undermines carbon capture technology calling it “wildly unrealistic as a climate solution”

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Peterhead power station

New fossil gas power station at Peterhead must be rejected on climate grounds, say campaigners

The plan flies in the face of the clear and pressing need to cut the use of fossil fuels, as recommended by climate scientists and energy experts. 

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Hydrogen report must ‘change the conversation’

New report exposing the inefficiencies, soaring costs and the threat hydrogen poses to renewable energy supplies.

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Scottish Government admits ‘gaping hole’ in Climate Plan

Ministers ignored warnings from experts and campaigners about their over-reliance on carbon capture and hydrogen tehnologies

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Hydrogen Action Plan will ‘let fossil fuels in by the back door’

The Plan could see tens of millions of public money subsidising fossil fuel companies to support continued gas extraction and production for hydrogen.

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