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Hydrogen Action Plan will ‘let fossil fuels in by the back door’

Environmental campaigners have slammed the Scottish Government’s draft Hydrogen Action Plan as a way of ‘sneaking fossil fuels in by the back door’. The £100 million Hydrogen Action Plans sets…

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Public money shouldn’t be poured into Carbon Capture projects

Response to the Cabinet Secretary Michael Matheson’s statement on funding for the Acorn Carbon Capture and Storage project in Scotland. Climate groups believe CCS will prolong the life of the…

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Scottish Parliament

Programme for Government reaction

Programme confirms the promises from the SNP -Greens co-operation agreement, but gives disappointingly little further detail on timescales or processes.

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Peterhead Carbon Capture Plans Will Delay Transition From Fossil Fuels

The gas power station is one of Scotland’s largest polluters.

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Scottish Parliament

MSP reports must mean ‘reality check’ in Government Climate Plan

Committees heard expert evidence that plans lacked policy detail, lacked transparency in key calculations and were over-reliant on speculative technologies.

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Minister to be challenged on whether Climate Change Plan “adds up”

Experts and campaigners have questioned the modelling used by Government officials and challenged the over-reliance on illusory Negative Emission Technologies

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Carbon Capture & Storage can’t solve the climate crisis, says new report

Despite years of political and financial support, there is no working CCS plants in the UK today.

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Climate Change Plan Falls Short of Transformative Action Needed

Friends of the Earth Scotland have commented on the Scottish Government’s update to the Climate Change Plan. Whilst the Plan is light on transformative policies, it has recognised that changes…

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Scottish Government told that burning trees is not a climate solution

Environmental groups have raised grave concerns about plans to generate energy by burning trees and crops while trying to capture the emissions.

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