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FoES Comment: Scotland’s Geology not suitable for Fracking

Commenting on the analysis by Professor John Underhill of Heriot-Watt University that the UK’s geology is unsuitable for fracking, Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary Church said:…

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Welcome for Labour on fracking ban move

Friends of the Earth Scotland today welcomed the news that Scottish Labour’s bill to ban fracking will proceed, Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Director Dr Richard Dixon said: “Congratulations to…

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Revealed: Scotland’s Councils Gambling on Fracking Overseas

Scottish Councils invest £406 million of pension fund money in companies fracking overseas according to a report published today by Friends of the Earth Scotland [1]. The 23 fracking companies…

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US fracking expert visits Scotland

Friends of the Earth Scotland will host Wenonah Hauter, Founder and Executive Director of Food & Water Watch US and a leading fracking activist on Saturday 10th June. She’ll be…

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Tens of thousands call for a ban on fracking as consultation closes

Press Release on behalf of the Broad Alliance, Friends of the Earth Scotland, 38degrees More than 40,000 people have responded to the Scottish Government consultation on fracking calling for an…

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Environmental groups call on Scottish Government to prohibit fracking

Scottish Environment LINK Unconventional Fossil Fuel Subgroup, sent by Friends of the Earth Scotland Environmental groups representing around 150,000 thousand people in Scotland have called on the Scottish Government to…

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Damning verdict on Fracking from Scottish Government Studies

A series of reports published by the Scottish Government today (Tuesday 8 November) contain damning evidence on the impacts of developing a shale gas fracking and coalbed methane industry in…

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