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Scottish Government launches consultation on Circular Economy Bill

The Scottish Government has today (30 May) launched a consultation on a new law to create a circular economy in Scotland and reduce our impact on the climate by changing…

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Review calls for ban on new incinerators in Scotland

Environmental campaigners have welcomed an independent report which calls for an immediate ban on planning permission for new incinerators, but say a clear exit strategy from incineration is still needed….

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Campaigners call for more ambition as Government announces ‘latte levy’ plans

Campaigners are calling for more ambition as the Scottish Government announces the formation of an advisory group on charges on disposable coffee cups. Work on disposable cup charges was paused…

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Plans for Scotland’s largest incinerator go up in smoke

Environmental campaigners have hailed the news that plans for a major incinerator at Stonehouse in South Lanarkshire have been cancelled after sustained community opposition. Viridor, one of the UK’s biggest…

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Scotland’s rising carbon footprint due to imported goods

Figures released by the Scottish Government today (15 March) show that Scotland’s carbon footprint has increased for the first time in six years. The greatest increase came from the greenhouse…

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Campaigners call for targets to limit consumption

Campaigners call for targets on consumption as the Scottish Government announces it will launch a consultation into a new Circular Economy Bill in May. Currently, the Government doesn’t have any…

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Parliament supports delay to DRS but questions remain over delivery

The Scottish Parliament voted last night (Wednesday 23rd February) to support the Government’s proposed delay to Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme. The 16-month delay until August 2023 means many bottles will…

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Campaigners call for exit strategy from incineration

Environmental campaigners have called for an exit strategy for incineration in evidence provided to the Scottish Government’s independent review on incineration. The Scottish Government set up an independent review into…

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Incineration contracts stopping Scots from recycling

New research shows that Scotland’s incineration capacity is so high that it is likely to stop councils from recycling waste. Campaigners are calling for a ban on new incinerators so…

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