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BP profits show ‘fundamentally broken’ energy system

The oil giant announced £6.9 billion profits in just 3 months. 

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Shell profits show energy system ‘unfit for purpose’

Outrage at the announcement of oil giant Shell’s profits of £9.5billion in just 3 months. 

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Jackdaw court case welcomed by climate campaigners

Welcome for new that Greenpeace are mounting a legal challenge to the UK Government’s approval of the Jackdaw gas field.

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Climate campaigners urge MSPs for a strong Climate Change Bill

Fossil fuels driving extreme heat and climate breakdown

Climate breakdown is here, it is deadly serious and it will get much worse unless we act urgently to end our reliance on oil and gas.

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UK Government “pouring fuel on the fire” as Jackdaw field approved

Environmental campaigners have slammed the UK Government’s approval of Shell’s plans to develop the Jackdaw gas field as ignoring climate science and entrenching reliance on gas despite the energy price…

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Cambo: Billion pound ‘gamble’ risks our collective safety

New owners doesnt change the fact that Cambo oil field is bad for climate and household energy bills.

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UK Energy Strategy: new oil & gas is ‘unbelievably reckless’

The new UK Energy Strategy is criticised for expanding the production of climate-wrecking oil and gas.

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a group of people holding flags around a stack of black barrels painted with white letter spelling out stop cambo. the river clyde and the Glasgow science museum are visible in the background

Cambo oil field: Licence extension keeps doomed project on ‘life support’

Criticism of UK Government decision to grant a 2 year extension to the licence to develop the controversial Cambo oil field.

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Shell slammed for oil and gas expansion plans

Environmental campaigners have slammed oil giant Shell for trying to capitalise on the war in Ukraine as an excuse to expand their UK oil and gas operations.

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