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Just Transition Partnership 2021 Manifesto

Just Transition Partnership Manifesto for Scottish Parliament elections in 2021

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Letter of concern to Scottish Government about Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Letter to Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change, and Land Reform and Minister for Energy, Connectivity, and the Islands. Our organisations are deeply concerned about the possibility of Bioenergy with…

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Hydrogen briefing

Explaining the threats posed by Hydrogen technologies – blue, grey, green – to Scotland’s action on climate change.

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A Green Jobs Recovery

As Scotland faces rising and record levels of unemployment in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, our paper sets out how climate action and green jobs can contribute to a…

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Programme for Government 2020 briefing

Every year the Scottish Government sets out its plans for the coming year in the “Programme for Government”. This year’s Programme for Government comes at an important moment.  The impacts…

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Lobbying Act Post-Legislative Scrutiny Evidence

The Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit and Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee are undertaking a review of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016, looking at how the Act has worked in practice since being…

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Just Transition Partnership Letter to the Scottish Government

Just Transition Partnership letter to Scottish Goverment Cabinet Secretaries regarding Just Transition Commission recommendations and Programme for Government.

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Briefing on the Economic Recovery

On Wednesday 12 August, MSPs will debate the Scottish Government’s “Economic Recovery Implementation Plan”, setting out their plans to rebuild the economy from the impacts of Coronavirus. This briefing sets…

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Our response to the Oil and Gas Authority consultation on proposals to revise the MER UK Strategy

This response demonstrates why Maximising Economic Recovery (MER) of oil and gas is incompatible with meeting our climate objectives. The inclusion of “net zero” is an insufficient change from the…

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