Corporate-captured climate talks ignores peoples’ demands for climate justice
Key fights at the UN climate conference COP25 in Madrid show Governments fighting for fossil fuel companies rather than a liveable future.
Key fights at the UN climate conference COP25 in Madrid show Governments fighting for fossil fuel companies rather than a liveable future.
The awards are given to countries or groups of countries which have been particularly obstructive or disingenuous in the climate negotiations.
Carbon markets are being pushed by big corporations at the UN climate talks, but decades of experience tells us they won’t cut emissions.
We all know that the rich countries and big polluting corporations who have contributed most to the climate crisis must be the ones to cut their emissions first and fastest. But we talk less often about the financial debt that they owe.
Scientists are sounding the alarm about the risk of passing climate tipping points, leading to ever more dangerous impacts.
A look ahead at the big issues at the UN climate talks in Madrid, 2-13 December.
A new report on the gap between the climate change goals and oil and gas ambitions shows that the current double-think can’t go on.
International civil society reaffirms solidarity with Chileans who are rising against austerity and growing inequalities; and condemns the violent repression and human rights violations.
Last minute switch of the UN Climate Conference from Chile to Spain risks excluding Latin American and other Global South voices.