
Jeremy Corbyn and SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford call for end to £600million fossil fuel investment

100 sitting and former MPs have called for Westminster Pension Fund to end its investment in fossil fuels.

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Three Scottish councils invest in wind energy directly. Photo by the EWEA.

Civil society organisations call for new Investment Bank to make Scotland greener and more equal

Responding to the public consultation that closes today (20/11/17) on the Bank’s direction and governance, groups said that the SNIB has a fantastic opportunity to make Scotland fairer and greener.

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Glasgow Caledonian University becomes 10th Scottish organisation to pull out of fossil fuels

Student network People & Planet (1) have revealed that Glasgow Caledonian University has divested from fossil fuels and committed to have no further investments in the industry.

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Councils: Fuelling the Fire

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£1.8 Billion Council stake in fossil fuels undermines Scottish climate effort

New data reveals Council Pension Funds invest £1.8 billion in fossil fuel companies – a figure which has actually increased since the historic Paris Climate Agreement.

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Briefing: Scottish Councils are Gambling on Fracking

Local Authorities should support steps to stop fracking locally and nationally. As well as ending fracking at home, they should also stop investing in companies fracking elsewhere in the world.

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Revealed: Scotland’s Councils Gambling on Fracking Overseas

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Divest and Reinvest: Scottish council pensions for a future worth living in

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Scottish Council Pensions found to be investing £1.7 billion in fossil fuels

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