
Environmental Nakba: Israeli environmental injustices in Palestine, Part 2

Friends of the Earth Scotland vice-chair Eurig Scandrett reports on environmental violations in the West Bank caused by the Israeli occupation. This is part two of two of a reflection on this visit.

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Environmental Nakba: Israeli environmental injustices in Palestine

Friends of the Earth Scotland vice-chair Eurig Scandrett reports on environmental violations in the West Bank caused by the Israeli occupation. This is part one of two of a reflection on this visit.

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What went wrong with the banks and how to fix it

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Big banks AGM season coming up

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What happened at the Just Banking Conference?

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Move Your Money Month: find a bank that shares your ethics

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Rosyth locals not aware of biomass plans

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The Hunterston coal power proposal and access to environmental justice in Scotland

The Hunterston case was brought by Marco McGinty, a bird-watcher from Largs who visits the site on an almost daily basis. With the support from a number of NGOs, including Friends of the Earth Scotland, the local community and a solicitor called Frances McCArtney, Marco lodged a judicial review in September 2009 against the Scottish Government over the inclusion of Hunterston in the second National Planning Framework.

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Young Friends of the Earth Europe Summer Camp 2011

Young Friends of the Earth Europe have an annual summer camp which is a fantastic opportunity for campaigners aged 18-30 to get together for training and skill share sessions that help build their internal organisations and the European network as a whole.

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