Supermarket food wrapped in plastic

What do people really think about plastic?

We reveal what people really think about plastic and how hard it can be to reduce the pointless plastic in your life.

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Dispensers at The Refinery in Glasgow

Top tips to help you go plastic free

Top tips to help you reduce the amount of plastic in your life.

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Six things you didn’t know about air pollution

These revelations about air pollution will take your breath away.

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What People Power achieved in 2019

Highlights from our campaigning to protecting our climate and environment in 2019.

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Plastic-free Christmas tree decorations

How to have a plastic-free Christmas

From wrapping paper to plastic packaging, it can feel like there’s no escaping the mountain of plastic that comes with the festive season. However, our top five tips to help you cut down on plastic this Christmas.

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Bunting on Albert Embankment © Stonehouse Photographic / WWF-UK (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Who would the climate vote for in this election?

Comparing the Party Manifesto’s promises on climate and the environment.

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Happy World Toilet Day Everyone!

Laura explains what World Toilet Day is and how changing toilet habits could help the planet.

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Protestors gather in Santiago, Chile October 2019

International Climate Justice response to UN Climate Conference relocation

International civil society reaffirms solidarity with Chileans who are rising against austerity and growing inequalities; and condemns the violent repression and human rights violations.

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Don’t be scared of waste this Halloween

Laura offers helpful advice on how you can cut down on waste this Halloween

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