
Campaign stories: Edinburgh University goes fossil free (finally!)

The successful five year campaign to divest Edinburgh University from fossil fuels should give heart to people everywhere who are campaigning for climate justice in their communities.

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New York City is taking on the fossil fuel industry

New York City, the World Bank, and major European investors have started exiting fossil fuels this winter. Could this be the big shift we’ve been waiting for?

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10th Scottish victory as Glasgow Caledonian divests from fossil fuels

Glasgow Caledonian University has committed to divest from fossil fuels as the momentum of the fossil free movement builds.

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The Deepwater Horizon disaster led to BP being given the largest environmental fine in US history. Photo by the US Coast Guard.

New report shows how council pensions are fuelling the climate crisis

Local government is undermining efforts to tackle climate change by investing £1.8 billion in oil, gas and coal companies, according to our new report.

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Episcopal and Catholic Churches shed fossil fuel shares

40 Catholic institutions have announced their divestment from fossil fuels. The news came from around the world and included a Catholic bank, universities, religious orders and lay organisations.

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Can the new Scottish National Investment Bank create a low-carbon Scotland?

The Scottish Government announced today its intention to establish a new investment bank. This could create thousands of green jobs by transforming transport, heating, housing and electricity – campaigner Ric Lander takes a closer look at what’s been proposed.

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UK’s second largest trade union votes to divest pensions

Great news as UNISON, one of the two largest trade unions in the UK, adopts a formal policy to support divestment from fossil fuels.

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Methodist Church’s investments going green after Scottish members push for change

Britain’s 4th largest church has taken a big step towards divesting from fossil fuels thanks to members of Stirling Methodist Church.

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Major investment manager BMO divests

BMO Asset Management will divest their entire ‘Responsible’ range of funds from fossil fuels by 2020!

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