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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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Scotland’s new circular economy law

MSPs have voted to approve Scotland’s new circular economy law! Parliament has taken over a year to scrutinise and review the new law, and the final debate took place yesterday…

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Dozens of organisations demand Scottish Ministers reject polluting Peterhead gas plans

Pressure is growing on the Scottish Government to reject plans that would lock in climate pollution and high energy bills. 

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How to minimise your risk from air pollution

10 top tips to help protect yourself and your family from harmful pollution

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Report exposes high cost, low efficiency of hydrogen

Our recent hydrogen report exposes this high cost, low efficiency technology that threatens renewable energy supplies

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Get involved in Car Free Day 2022

Car Free Day takes place every year to encourage us to reimagine our transport system. It is an opportunity to think about how we move around and what changes we…

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a group of people holding placard and banners

Young people, climate justice and workers’ rights

Reflections on an event bringing together young climate activists and trade unionists to learn from one another and think about how we can better work together.

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Environmentalists have to take on economics!

Until we change the ways in which our economy works, ‘business-as-usual’ will continue to drive environmental destruction and climate breakdown. 

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Making transport work for local people

There have been huge changes to how we move around, which presents new councillors with opportunities to make lasting change for the better.

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Can councils change our energy system?

There are councils in Scotland forging a new way to manage energy by investing in renewable energy projects.

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How can councils tackle the carbon impact of waste?

If we want our waste systems to be more sustainable, Scotland needs to move to a carbon-based targets rather than the current weight-based system.

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Why council elections are crucial for the climate crisis

Local authorities play an important role in tackling the climate crisis, so these elections are going to be significant.

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