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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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Scotland’s new circular economy law

MSPs have voted to approve Scotland’s new circular economy law! Parliament has taken over a year to scrutinise and review the new law, and the final debate took place yesterday…

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Dozens of organisations demand Scottish Ministers reject polluting Peterhead gas plans

Pressure is growing on the Scottish Government to reject plans that would lock in climate pollution and high energy bills. 

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COVID-19 has not stopped environmental action across Europe

From coal phase outs to court victories environmental action is alive and well across Europe despite the pandemic.

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Glasgow still has time to make history before COP26 by divesting from fossil fuels

Campaigners are urging councillors to agree on strong climate standards and a clear divestment timeline.

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Donald Pols celebrates Dutch Climate Case victory against Shell Photo: Milieudefensie

Climate change catches up with the oil industry

The court said that Shell’s plans were incompatible with the action needed to tackle climate change.

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Reflections on ice

New research has shown the rate and impact of melting glaciers and icesheets. We look at how this will affect people and the planet.

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Can legal action stop climate change?

Can the courts bring decisive action to end our extraction of fossil fuels? Three activists take the UK Government to court for its support of the industry.

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FM Nicola Sturgeon with electric vehicles/ credit: SP Energy networks

The next 5 years for Scotland’s environment

What did the SNP manifesto promise on climate change and the environment?

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Time to deliver low-carbon, warm homes for everyone

The next Government needs to deliver low carbon, warm homes urgently. Retrofitting and insulating homes will be a winner for people, jobs and the planet.

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Nuclear power – 35 years on from Chernobyl

Since Chernobyl only three reactor projects have begun in Europe, all being built by the French state-owned company EDF.

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Why the new Scottish Parliament must kick-start our transition to a circular economy

Developing opportunities for businesses working on a circular economy in Scotland would reduce our contribution to the climate crisis.

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