Latest Blogs
Why climate activists are standing with Grangemouth oil workers
The company’s plans to shut the oil refinery epitomize environmental and climate injustice.
Nurdles: The tiny pellets polluting Scotland
The plastics industry is polluting Scotland with nurdles, harming the environment and communities. We investigate the problem
This year’s divestment campaign highlights
Looking back at what the divestment campaign has been doing this year.
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Hydrogen comes in many colours but are any the right climate choice ?
Scotland is debating the role of hydrogen technology in our future.
Reliance on Fossil Fuel CCS cannot solve climate crisis, new research shows
Despite huge government and industry backing CCS cannot be expected in the energy sector until the 2030s, risking 1.5oC during the crucial next decade.
Lessons from the Braer disaster
Braer Oil Spill Anniversary reminds us of the danger of the fossil fuel industry
2020, whisky and climate change
How strong whisky helped Scotland’s efforts to persuade the world to act on climate change
Forward and back on climate
Good climate commitments are being undermined by UK and Scottish Government faith in far-off technical fixes.
No going back – the fight for a just, green recovery
By working together, connecting our issues and learning from each other we are building a movement for a better future.
Fossil fuel industry spills money and power in year of tumult
2020 was a tough year to be a climate activist. Fortunately for the planet, it was an even worse year for the fossil fuel industry.
Why did I become a divestment campaigner?
Lewis Coenen-Rowe, activist with Divest Strathclyde, discusses how campaigning has helped him overcome ‘eco-stress’ and build connections with others.
Fossil fuel production means we’re breaking climate records
Failure to plan a speedy transition away from fossil fuel use pushes up climate emissions and global temperature rises.