Latest Blogs
Revealed: the true climate cost of new gas at Peterhead power station
Annual pollution could be 1 million tonnes more than companies have disclosed to the Scottish Government
Why is Scotland scrapping its climate targets?
Why Scotland is scrapping its vital climate targets, why this matters and what needs to happen now.
Activists hand in petition urging the Scottish Government to reject Peterhead gas plans
Campaigners have handed in a petition to the Scottish Government urging them to reject the plans for a new gas burning power station in Peterhead.
More Articles
The greenest ever Programme for Government?
Scotland’s new Programme for Government contains a number of very significant steps forward on climate change and the environment.
Can the new Scottish National Investment Bank create a low-carbon Scotland?
The Scottish Government announced today its intention to establish a new investment bank. This could create thousands of green jobs by transforming transport, heating, housing and electricity – campaigner Ric Lander takes a closer look at what’s been proposed.
Planning for a Just Transition has to be part of Scotland’s climate strategy
Scotland’s new Climate Bill focuses attention on when we become zero carbon, but also on the ‘What? and How?’ of getting there. The idea of a ‘Just Transition’, originating within the trade union movement, can ensure this process enhances social justice, protects livelihoods and creates a fairer and more equal nation.
Scottish conference on ‘How to Get a Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy’
Trades unions activists and environmentalists came together for a conference in Glasgow to discuss how a Just Transition could bring a new, clean, better balanced and more just economy. Pressure is on the Scottish Government to take a much more hands-on approach to both economic development and climate change plans.
North Sea – transition from oil jobs to clean energy jobs essential
Last week the Pope produced his much-trailed encyclical on the environment. The core of this policy pronouncement was a strong message on the moral case to act on climate change. A…
Taking Over Berlin’s Energy Supply
Guest Blog: Dr Stefan Taschner (campaigner from Berliner Energietisch) The story of the following referendum already began two and a half years ago in 2011 with the formation of the…