women in front of Stop Rosebank rose wall

How we have been turning the tide against fossil fuels in 2022

Reliance on oil and gas has left millions vulnerable to spikes in their prices, making the case for a clean, reliable renewable energy system even more appealing.

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Edinburgh joins Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

The route took the crowd past different stops highlighting the banks, polluters and governments who are driving climate breakdown.

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Stop Rosebank logo

Why we must come together to stop the Rosebank oil field

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Fossil fuels are the climate culprit – we have to come together to stop them.

The extreme heat shows climate breakdown is here and it will get much worse unless we act to stop fossil fuel companies.

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Windfall tax on oil profits is only the start

A windfall tax on oil profits can help with immediate fuel bills but we must power our energy system with renewables to protect people and planet.

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Another nail in the coffin for oil and gas?

The Scottish Government has promised a review of oil & gas but how can it reconcile fossil fuels with the neccesary climate action.

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Stopping Cambo oil field rockets up the political agenda

Political parties are taking sides as the debate about the Cambo oil field hots up.

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We must stop the UK Government from approving more oil

Oil giants are seeking permission from the UK Government to open a huge new oil field. The climate impacts of this project would be devastating.

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The Great Net Zero Con

Governments and companies are perpetrating a global con trick by talking about net zero climate emissions.

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