Graphic with blue background and green spotlight. images of 5 Scottish party leaders featured in the spotlight.

Young people put party leaders in the hot seat over climate change

Skye Thain (17) from the Young Friends of the Earth Scotland steering group offers her personal view on the recent Youth Climate Debate.

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A zoom screenshot showing 14 people in a meeting

Young people and climate action in 2020

Catrina reflects on the past year and how young people have adapted in incredible ways, finding opportunities for growth, innovation and resilience.

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Young FoES Online Skillshare

Young Friends of the Earth Scotland are moving their skillshare online! Check out this lineup of digital events.

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Why Climate Change is an LGBTQ+ Issue

As LGBTQ+ History Month 2020 draws to a close, queer* members of Young Friends of the Earth Scotland reflect on climate change as an LGBTQ+ issue.

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Young people and climate action in 2019

Our Young Friends of the Earth Scotland network coordinator Catrina joined in January 2019. She reflects on the past year of the network and what has been achieved.

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Meet the new Young FoES steering group!

The Young Friends of the Earth Scotland network have elected a brand new steering group for 2019/20. Introducing the new members…

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Learning about intersectionality and climate change

Understanding and implementing an intersectional approach to climate justice in Scotland

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Young climate activists holding a banner that reads Climate Justice = Social Justice

Will 2018 truly be the ‘Year of Young People’?

While young people across Scotland are fighting for their future, our efforts are being undermined by decision makers.

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It will take people power to protect our planet

As our governments reconvene for their yearly climate talks, society is being changed by people taking grassroots action all around the world.

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