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Workers Case Studies for debate on The Need for an Offshore Training Passport

Ahead of the Scottish Parliament debate on The Need for An Offshore Training Passport, Friends of the Earth Scotland and Platform shared case studies from offshore workers about their experiences…

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Offshore Training Passport Debate Briefing for MSPs

A Friends of the Earth Scotland and Platform briefing for MSPs ahead of a debate in the Scottish Parliament on the need for an Offshore Training Passport. Friends of the…

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Watershed: The Turning Point for North Sea Oil & the Just Transition

Watershed: The Turning Point for North Sea Oil & the Just Transition

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Tickets & Training: The Hidden Costs For Offshore Oil & Gas Workers

The survey results show a workforce in insecure employment, where workers are bearing the brunt of training and certification costs previously borne by employers.

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Our response to the Contracts for Difference Supply Chain Plan and Contract consultation

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to the UK Government’s consultation on the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Supply Chain Plans and Contracts, including a new process for Supply Chain Plans,…

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Offshore: Oil and gas workers’ views on industry conditions and the energy transition

Report shares survey results and testimonies of offshore oil and gas workers on industry conditions, life offshore generally and the energy transition.

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Just Transition Partnership 2021 Manifesto

Just Transition Partnership Manifesto for Scottish Parliament elections in 2021

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Just Transition Partnership Letter to the Scottish Government

Just Transition Partnership letter to Scottish Goverment Cabinet Secretaries regarding Just Transition Commission recommendations and Programme for Government.

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Our response to the Oil and Gas Authority consultation on proposals to revise the MER UK Strategy

This response demonstrates why Maximising Economic Recovery (MER) of oil and gas is incompatible with meeting our climate objectives. The inclusion of “net zero” is an insufficient change from the…

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