
Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan briefings

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Scottish Government oppose issuing new oil and gas licences

We welcome the statement that the Scottish Government “does not agree with the UK Government issuing new oil and gas licences”.

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Image of Gorse in Saint Fitticks Park

Campaigners raise ‘serious questions’ about direction of £500million Just Transition Fund

Millions going towards companies, many of which are backed by the fossil fuel industry, plus funding for a contentious project to destroy community greenspace in Aberdeen.

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Delivering a Just Transition to Net Zero and Climate Resilience

To keep the global temperature rise below 1.5℃, a rapid phase out of fossil fuels, towards renewables must happen this decade. Friends of the Earth Scotland believe the urgent need to transform our economy in this way is an opportunity to build a fairer and more equal Scotland.

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BP profits show ‘fundamentally broken’ energy system

The oil giant announced £6.9 billion profits in just 3 months. 

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Shell profits show energy system ‘unfit for purpose’

Outrage at the announcement of oil giant Shell’s profits of £9.5billion in just 3 months. 

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Just Transition: Scottish Government must act on climate action recommendations

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Offshore training standards recognition a ‘sign of progress’ but delivery and workers role is key

Training operators pledge to ‘identify duplication’ in standards as groups push to ease worker transition from oil & gas to renewables

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oil platform and ship in the ocean

UK climate advisors call for ‘tighter limit’ on oil and gas

UKCCC advice bolsters calls for end to new oil licenses in a bid to curb dangerous climate warming

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