
Scottish Councillors urged to divest pensions from fracking firms

Councils are profiting from an industry that isn’t permitted in Scotland.

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Two people wading through Aitutaki Lagoon

On the frontline of climate change in the South Pacific

There were no climate change sceptics in these island communities.

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Celebrating 40 years of campaigning

We celebrated our 40th anniversary in the sunshine with our amazing members and special guests.

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Air pollution protestors at Glasgow Environment Committee meeting, March 2018

Don’t believe the hype – Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone proposals are not progressive

Their LEZ proposals are too slow, not strong enough and fail to push bus companies.

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Edinburgh Science Festival should cut it ties to fossil fuels and nuclear power

If Edinburgh’s Science Festival wants to celebrate life it should cut its ties with fossil fuels and nuclear power

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Learning about intersectionality and climate change

Understanding and implementing an intersectional approach to climate justice in Scotland

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Cutting down on plastic, one nappy at a time.

Why Indira Kemp is choosing cloth nappies instead of disposables.

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Air pollution protestors in Glasgow

Glasgow’s ‘No Ambition Zone’ must be improved to solve city’s air pollution problems

Our “No Ambition Zone” protest has been heard, but there is still work to be done to achieve a fit for purpose Low Emission Zone in Glasgow

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Reusable coffee cup on a peach background

10 tips for Plastic Free Fridays

Helping you think about single-use plastics in your life and how you can leave them behind.

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