Latest Blogs

What we learned about mining from 4 expert speakers
Four experts have shared important information on mining and resource justice.

Spineless politicians have failed the workers and the climate at Grangemouth
We need to see well-funded, detailed just transition plans across the energy sector that properly support workers and communities who have powered the oil and gas industry for decades.

7 things I learned from reading the Rosebank verdict
The judge declared the oil field unlawful but is this a a moment for celebration? What comes next for the wider movement away from fossil fuels?
More Articles

Energy choices for the climate
As we seek to reduce climate emissions even faster we are in serious danger of backing the wrong horse.

How to divest a nation from fossil fuels
In 2018 Ireland became the world’s first country to divest from fossil fuels. Could Scotland follow?

People Power delivers increased action in the Climate Bill
Public pressure forces Scottish Government to urgently do more to tackle the Climate Emergency

Battles lines are drawn for climate fight at Parliament
What we do in the next decade is much more important than where we are aiming in the long term.

Turn the energy of #ClimateStrike into action in the Parliament
Lets turn the enthusiasm and hope of #ClimateStrikes into concrete commitments that will shape climate action in Scotland for years to come.

Just days left to improve the Climate Bill
On Wed 25th September, MSPs in the Scottish Parliament will pass a new Climate Change law. We need your help to improve it before it’s too late.

Oil fantasy
The oil industry is pushing ‘disingenuous nonsense’ with it’s net zero claims and the false solution of Carbon Capture & Storage.

We need a plan fit for a Climate Emergency
Will we see a truly radical plan to deliver a jobs-rich, healthier Scotland that meets its international climate responsibilities?

Why we’re supporting the Global Climate Strikes on 20th September
We’re taking to the streets to join the climate strikers demanding urgent action on the climate crisis.