Unmasking BHP protests, London 2019

Clean energy’s dirty side

Mining for materials used in renewables should not threaten human rights.

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Circular Economy targets needed

Scotland has a very good reputation for our circular economy thinking but now is the time to make the idea a reality.

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Hundreds of Civil society protests at UN climate conference

Glasgow climate conference needs harmonious approach

The UK’s Governments must co-operate to deliver next year’s climate negotiations.

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Plastic and climate change: the true cost of our throwaway culture

The more plastic we make, the more dangerous climate emissions we release.

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Three Scottish councils invest in wind energy directly. Photo by the EWEA.

Energy choices for the climate

As we seek to reduce climate emissions even faster we are in serious danger of backing the wrong horse.

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Campaigners outside the Scottish Parliament

People Power delivers increased action in the Climate Bill

Public pressure forces Scottish Government to urgently do more to tackle the Climate Emergency

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Battles lines are drawn for climate fight at Parliament

What we do in the next decade is much more important than where we are aiming in the long term.

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Turn the energy of #ClimateStrike into action in the Parliament

Lets turn the enthusiasm and hope of #ClimateStrikes into concrete commitments that will shape climate action in Scotland for years to come.

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Just days left to improve the Climate Bill

On Wed 25th September, MSPs in the Scottish Parliament will pass a new Climate Change law. We need your help to improve it before it’s too late.

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