
The role of art in energy transitions

Our just transition organiser looks at the role of art in creating change, and working with people in Aberdeen to imagine a better future.

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Can councils change our energy system?

There are councils in Scotland forging a new way to manage energy by investing in renewable energy projects.

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What war in Ukraine means for energy

The terrible war in Ukraine is being used by opponents of green energy to promote more oil and gas, new nuclear and even fracking. None of which makes the slightest sense.

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Taking the Stop Cambo campaign to Downing Street

We handed over the 80,000 strong letter demanding that the UK Government stop Cambo and all new oil and gas projects.

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Coal industry refuses to give up the ghost

G20 nations failed to back action on coal or make progress on fossil fuel subsidies despite their damage to the climate

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#StopCambo campaign gathers momentum and support

Public and political support for stopping a climate-wrecking oil field is building.

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The Great Net Zero Con

Governments and companies are perpetrating a global con trick by talking about net zero climate emissions.

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Can legal action stop climate change?

Can the courts bring decisive action to end our extraction of fossil fuels? Three activists take the UK Government to court for its support of the industry.

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Time to deliver low-carbon, warm homes for everyone

The next Government needs to deliver low carbon, warm homes urgently. Retrofitting and insulating homes will be a winner for people, jobs and the planet.

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