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UK has increased oil reserves since declaring climate emergency, say new report

Since declaring a climate emergency in 2019, the UK’s developed oil and gas reserves have increased by 800 million barrels of oil and gas. UK law and Scottish Government policy…

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UK Government misleading public over claim it has no control over Cambo

Pre-action letter calls on BEIS to defend position on controversial oil field decision The UK Government is lawfully bound to take responsibility for the decision to approve or reject the…

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SNP and Greens deal will lead to stronger action for the climate

Climate campaigning organisation Friends of the Earth Scotland has welcomed the draft cooperation deal between the SNP and the Scottish Green Party announced today.

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Scottish Government ‘defers’ to Boris Johnson on Cambo oil field

Scottish Government calls on Boris Johnson to reassess Cambo field but fails to state their opposition the development of new oil & gas.

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IPCC Report shows the urgent need to get off fossil fuels

IPCC report warning shows urgency of need to transition away from fossil fuels – beginning with rejecting Cambo field.

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Boris Johnson ‘not aware’ of Cambo oil plans. He is now!

80,000 strong letter opposing Cambo Oil Field handed in to 10 Downing Street today as Boris Johnson claims to be unaware of the project.

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Scottish Government must break silence on Cambo oil field

Environmental campaigners have demanded the Scottish Government declare their opposition to the controversial new Cambo oil field off Shetland. With just over 100 days until the crucial UN talks begin…

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Leading climate scientist and green groups demand UK government reject plans for new oil field

Dr James Hansen, one of the world’s foremost climate experts, joins groups representing young people, parents and activists, in calling on the government to “resolutely reject” proposals by Shell to develop a significant new oil field in the North Sea.

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Proposed new Shetland oil field a climate ‘obscenity’ ahead of UN talks In Glasgow

Environmental campaigners have reacted with fury to plans to open a large new oil field West of Shetland to extract 800 million barrels of oil.

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