
Zero carbon homes pledge brings triple benefits

By focusing urgent action on our energy use at home we can quickly create new jobs, improve people’s lives and tackle climate change.

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Scottish Government must now get down to work on Green Jobs

Looking at what’s in the Scottish Programme for Government.

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Harnessing Scotland’s climate example

Scotland can use the United Nations system to push other countries to act faster on climate

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It’s time for Scottish Government to produce their vision for the green recovery

The Government’s response to their Advisory Group must reject its business-as-usual approach.

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More action needed on climate threat of methane

Methane is a potent climate changing gas and needs increased action to bring down emissions from agriculture, fossil fuels and waste.

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Saving the planet starts at home

Rishi Sunak didn’t give us a green recovery but his one green element was the right one for climate change, for jobs and for the quality of people’s lives.

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When you’re in a hole, it’s time to stop digging

UK and Scottish Governments want maintain the fiction that you can extract as much fossil fuels as you like and still claim you are serious about climate change.

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Join the #BuildBackBetterScot Day of Online Action

This needs all of us to make a huge noise that cannot be ignored.

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Climate triple whammy as Scotland misses target

Science sends us yet another climate warning as Scotland misses our targets for action.

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