Why you should care about the Hot Strike Summer
Workers are demonstrating the solidarity and collective power that we must build everywhere to tackle social and climate crises at their roots.
Workers are demonstrating the solidarity and collective power that we must build everywhere to tackle social and climate crises at their roots.
MPs voted against the plan to cut training costs and duplication for people wanting to move into renewable energy.
The industry has realised they are losing the argument badly and things are about to get serious.
The Just Transition Hub, organised by Friends of the Earth Scotland, Platform, STUC, TUC, War on Want and the Just Transition Partnership.
2021 was undoubtedly the biggest year of climate action in Scotland’s history. We’re celebrating some of the wins.
Both governments must scale up renewable jobs and provide certainty for workers currently left at the whims of big fossil fuel companies.
The transition away from fossil fuels is a way to create a better society and protect the poorest from climate impacts
In their fight for fair pay and proper investment in essential services, these workers are demonstrating the power that we must build everywhere to tackle the climate crisis at its roots.
New research has found that the UK has increased oil & gas reserves since declaring a climate emergency